Nevada Department of Public Safety State Police
Uniform Crime Reporting
Records, Communications and Compliance Division
The NIBRS is the pathway to richer crime statistics that can improve our ability to address the important issues we face today.
National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS)

Statistical analysis can make a difference in recognizing patterns in:
Crime and Victimization
Safety programs successes and needs
Force needs and training demands
Why the change?
Process & Procedures for Certification
Summary of Differences: SRS vs NIBRS
Journal articles from Police Chief Magazine
Learning Video Tutorials
Click Here for NIBRS UPDATES
Links to keep you updated as the nation changes over to NIBRS by January 2021.
FBI Announcements
Timeline for NIBRS
Agency Partnerships

1. Need for Precision
2. Richer Crime Statistics
3. Faster Access to Robust Data
Read Past Governor Sandoval's Press Release regrading NIBRS

Helping to find the right UCR solution.
A major finding of the Vision 21: Transforming Victim Services Final Report is that crime victim services must be designed with a clear understanding of who is being victimized and by whom.

NIBRS Timeline

NIBRS partners with a shared vision.
Victim service providers can use NIBRS data to identify patterns of crime and victimization that can justify the need for additional resources and guide decisions on optimal resource development.
Crime Data Comprehensive incident data on 22 categories of crime, which are further classified into 46 offenses. States and localities can better identify underserved victims and provide targeted training for victim services providers.
Victimization Data A comprehensive, more meaningful picture of crime in a community by providing information on specific types of crime, victim demographics, the relationship between victim and offender, and a more complete and comprehensive picture of family violence.
Clearance Data The current SRS collects almost no data on the details of criminal incidents, NIBRS overcomes this limitation by collecting arrest information. This data will allow law enforcement officers to track cases and update their files any time NIBRS receives new information. There is now an ability to analyize case clearance rates for specific crimes.